Discipleship in a YWAM Kitchen Garden
Tommy Rutt Tommy Rutt

Discipleship in a YWAM Kitchen Garden

“Hey Emily, I need to repent to you,” Jess shared one morning as I was leaving morning worship in the Chapel. While working together in the garden the day before, it was clear to me something was bothering her.

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What a YWAM Outreach Looks Like (Tons of Photos)
Tommy Rutt Tommy Rutt

What a YWAM Outreach Looks Like (Tons of Photos)

In the Yucatán Peninsula there are thousands of Mexicans who are deeply religious Catholics.

But there's a problem. And it's tragic.

Many of them have combined their Catholic traditions with ancient Mayan beliefs and rituals. That means there are villages full of people who kneel before statues of Jesus - while practicing idol worship and consulting witch doctors.

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200 Refugees Just Heard the Gospel
Tommy Rutt Tommy Rutt

200 Refugees Just Heard the Gospel

Germany is the home to nearly 1 million refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. About a month ago, YWAM Orlando sent a team to Germany to work with some of these refugees.

Early this morning, more than 200 refugees were able to see the Jesus film in their languages and have dinner with 100 volunteers who were eager to share the Gospel with them - these volunteers included our YWAM team.

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“Where are the Bibles?!” A YWAM Outreach Story
Tommy Rutt Tommy Rutt

“Where are the Bibles?!” A YWAM Outreach Story

“Where are the Bibles?!” I shouted in my broken Spanish. One of the ladies preparing dinner over the open fire threw her hands up excitedly and ran indoors. She rummaged a bit before revealing 3 Spanish Bibles that were tucked away in the corner of the shelter that doubled as a kitchen. Handing them to me, she smiled and said something in Spanish. I didn’t understand her words, but I understood her meaning: It was time for me to hurry back to the park. There were 11 new believers receiving prayer, and we didn’t want them to leave for home without Bibles. The problem was - we only had 3 Bibles. The team would have to locate the others before the night was over.

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